Monday, February 18, 2019

#RIOTS Week Six and Seven

It's weeks six and seven for the #RIOTS.  I got a week behind as I had a lot of personal things going on these last two weeks.

I haven't really been running much except for a mile a day but that came to screeching halt last Thursday on Valentine's Day.  I woke up with minor back pain but after being up for an hour, I couldn't move.  I'm not sure why this happens and my doctor isn't either except for minor sciatica so I took some pain medicine, got the heating pad and went back to sleep.  After several hours, the pain went away and I felt better. 

I am using my Apple watch, Garmin watch along with the Nike Run app.  I have been getting badges and awards on the Nike Run app.  I love getting these as they help keep me motivated.  Do you use this app?  Do you like this feature on the app?

On Saturday, February 9th, I ran a local race, Knightdale Cupid Run.  It was a small 5K and I really enjoyed it.  I will be writing a race recap about this race.  I'm currently behind in writing race recap.  

On Valentine's Day (which was the day I woke up and had the back pain), after several hours of a heating pad and pain medicine, we went to Your pie for a Valentine's Day special.  The special was two pizzas, two beers from Aviator Brewing along with two glasses and a tour pass to the brewery.  

The next day, I headed to Savannah, Georgia for the Best Damn Race series and the Savannah Book Festival.  The book festival has become a girls weekend and I just happened to see that the race series was doing the inaugural Savannah race.  I couldn't have asked for a better weekend-running and books.  I had a fabulous race and then rushed back to the book festival.  I heard and met several authors and had an amazing time.  

Of course, no trip to Savannah would be complete without a trip to Leopold's ice cream.  I love that during the four days of the book festival, Leopold's renames their ice cream after the author and their books.  

 I will be writing more about more this race and trip in my race recap. 

My hydration is off along with my running.  So far, this month I have only run 29 miles.  I have let things get out of control and now I'm reeling them back in.  Scores for these last two weeks would be a B- or C+.  Till next time and remember my journey continues...If you can dream it, you can do it as Walt Disney said!

#RIOTS Week Six and Seven

It's weeks six and seven for the #RIOTS.  I got a week behind as I had a lot of personal things going on these last two weeks. I ha...