Saturday, January 23, 2016

Balega Blizzard sock giveaway!

While those of us who live on the East Coast are battling the blizzard and whatever you call it (Snowzilla, Blizzard of 2016, Blizzard Jonas) , I have decided to have a little fun with it as a Balega Impi Ambassador.

First picture of storm on 1/22/16

Front yard on morning of 1/23/16

Backyard on morning of 1/23/16

 Guess the number of inches total that I will receive by the time the storm ends (Sunday evening, January 24, 2016) and the person that comes closest will receive a pair of Balega socks!  Post in comments below and winner will be announced on Monday morning!

 Till next time and remember, my journey continues...If you can dream it, you can do it as Walt Disney said!


  1. 28" of snow!! I'm not sure if it posted last time!

  2. Stay Warm, GWP! Hope you can get out soon and do a little running. You're not one to sit still for long! J-

  3. 30.5'' :) I'm not thinking we'll be able to get out of the house before Monday :-\

  4. Replies
    1. Please send me a message on Facebook at Gracious Warrior Princess. You are the winner! Congratulations!

  5. Thank you!! Is it too late to claim the prize??


If you would like a response to your comment, please provide an email address and I would be happy to respond. Thank you.

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